The Cayo Santiago Macaques

History, Behavior, and Biology

Edited by Richard G. Rawlins & Matt J. Kessler

Subjects: Primatology
Paperback : 9780887061363, 306 pages, September 1986
Hardcover : 9780887061356, 306 pages, September 1986

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Table of contents

Foreword - Peter Marler
1. The History of the Cayo Santiago Colony
Richard G. Rawlins, Matt J. Kessler

2. Demography of the Free-Ranging Cayo Santiago Macaques (1976-1983)
Richard G. Rawlins, Matt J. Kessler

3. Maternal Lineage as Tools for Understanding Infant Social Development and Social Structure
Carol M. Berman

4. Social Development in a Congenitally Blind Infant Rhesus Macaque
Catherine E. Scanlon

5. Vocal Communication: A Vehicle for the Study of Social Relationships
Harold Gouzoules, Sarah Gouzoules, Peter Marler

6. Proximate Causes of Male Emigration at Puberty in Rhesus Monkeys
John D. Colvin

7. Seasonal Differences in the Spatial Relations of Adult Male Rhesus Macaques
David A. Hill

8. Why do Adult Male and Female Rhesus Monkeys Affiliate During the Birth Season?
Bernard Chapais
9. Lineage-Specific Mating: Does it Exist?
Carol A. McMillan

10. Hair Mineral Content as an Indicator of Mineral Intake in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
Bernadette M. Marriott, J. Cecil Smith Jr. , Richard M. Jacobs, Ann O. Lee Jones, Richard G. Rawlins, Matt J. Kessler
11. Age-Dependent Impairments of the Rhesus Monkey Visual and Musculoskeletal Systems and Apparent Behavioral Consequences
C. Jean DeRousseau, Laszlo Z. Bito, Paul L. Kaufman

12. Joint Mobility as a Function of Age in Free-Ranging Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
Jean E. Turnquist

13. The Golden Rhesus Macaques of Cayo Santiago
Matt J. Kessler, Richard G. Rawlins, Paul L. Kaufman

14. An Overview of Blood Group Genetic Studies on the Cayo Santiago Rhesus Monkeys
Christine R. Duggleby, Philip A. Haseley, Richard G. Rawlins, Matt J. Kessler

15. Cayo Santiago Bibliography (1938-1985)
Matt J. Kessler, Richard G. Rawlins
Postscripts - Cayo Santiago Poem
Matt J. Kessler


This volume presents a broad spectrum of research on the Cayo Santiago macaques, a unique free-ranging colony of rhesus macaques in Puerto Rico. It includes thirteen scientific studies on the behavior and biology of the Cayo Santiago macaques, as well as a detailed history of the colony and a complete bibliography of over 260 scientific publications based on work at Cayo Santiago from 1938 through 1984. The chapters represent examples of both short- and long-term research conducted on the island over the past several years. Some are reviews, providing a synopsis of complex longitudinal studies of behavior, vocal communication, functional morphology, genetics, and population dynamics. Others document the results of opportunistic studies of behavior or biological surveys. The chapters cover a broad range of topics, but all share a common dependence on the detailed life history and genealogical data which make the Cayo Santiago macaque colony an important international research resource.

Richard G. Rawlins is Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of the Primate In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Chicago. Matt J. Kessler is Director of Veterinary Services, Caribbean Primate Research Center, University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine.