ACTA Volume #3

The Thirteenth Century

Edited by Kathleen Ashley

Subjects: History, Medieval Studies
Imprint: Distribution Partners
Paperback : 9781438438399, 125 pages, January 1976

Table of contents

1. The Beauvais Collapse and Thirteenth Century Art
François Bucher, SUNY Binghamton
2. The Collapse of 1284 at Beauvais Cathedral
Stephan Murray, Indiana University
3. A model Investigation of the Collapse of 1284 as Beauvais Cathedral
Robert Mark, University of Chicago
4. Rule by One Man and its Rewards: Aquinas’ De Regno I,2 and I,8 to 11
Clyde Lee Miller, SUNY Stonybrook
5. The Role of the Courts and the Thirteenth Century Portuguese Lyric
Kathleen Ashley, SUNY Binghamton
6. Country Matter and Courtly Eyes: Two Thirteenth Century Middle English Debate Poems
David Lampe, State University College at Buffalo
7. Roman Art in the Late Thirteenth Century: The Civic Context of Papal and Courtly Patronage
Harry M. Dixon II, SUNY Oneonta