Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Psychology, and Educational Theory and Practice

Edited by Richard A. Duschl & Richard J. Hamilton

Subjects: Educational Psychology
Series: SUNY series in Science Education
Paperback : 9780791410547, 300 pages, August 1992
Hardcover : 9780791410530, 300 pages, August 1992

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Table of contents


Chapter 1: Common Ground

Chapter 2: Holy Ground

Chapter 3: Solid Ground

Chapter 4: The Historical Past

Chapter 5: The Mythic Past

Chapter 6: The Eternal Past

Chapter 7: The Arthurian Tradition

Chapter 8: The Unraveling of Tradition

Chapter 9: The End of Tradition



This edited volume extends existing discussions among philosophers of science, cognitive psychologists, and educational researchers on the the restructuring of scientific knowledge and the domain of science education. This exchange of ideas across disciplinary fields raises fundamental issues and provides frameworks that help to focus educational research programs, curriculum development efforts, and teacher training programs.

Richard A. Duschl is Associate Professor in the Department of Instruction and Learning at the University of Pittsburgh. Richard J. Hamilton is Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Houston.


"The whole process of learning has turned out to be far more complex than most imagined, and I believe that science educators are struggling to find a new, more effective approach to the complexity. This volume will catalyze new research efforts and interdisciplinary communication by encouraging participants in cognitive psychology, the history and philosophy of science, and science education to view their respective research areas from a broader perspective." — William W. Cobern, Arizona State University