Complementation and Case Grammar

A Syntactic and Semantic Study of Selected Patterns of Complementation in Present-Day English

By Juhani Rudanko

Subjects: Language
Series: SUNY series in Linguistics
Paperback : 9780887069321, 173 pages, July 1989
Hardcover : 9780887069314, 173 pages, July 1989

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Table of contents


1. Introduction
2. Verbs Governing Subject-Controlled Forward Equi
2.1 The Scope of the Pattern
2.2 Equi and Raising Structures
2.3 The To Pattern
2.3.1 Gathering Data: Visser's Classification
2.3.2 An Alternative Classification
2.3.3 Conclusions
2.4 The Ing Pattern
2.4.1 Preliminary Observations
2.4.2 Gathering Data: Visser's Classification
2.4.3 An Alternative Classification
2.5 Case Grammar and Subject-Controlled Forward Equi
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 On Case Roles
2.5.3 Case Pattern Applied to the to Pattern
2.5.4 Conclusions
2.5.5 Testing the Conclusions
3. On Contrasts between Infinitival and That Complement Clauses
3.1 Introductory Observations
3.2 Riddle's Account and Its Inadequacy
3.3 A Contrastive Account for That, For To and Equi Patterns
3.3.1 From the Point of View of Verb1 That Clauses For to Clauses That and For to Contrasted with Equi Patterns
3.3.2 Inherent Properties of the Three Types
3.4 Case Grammar Revisited

4. Verbs Governing Object-Controlled Infinitival Equi
4.1 Introductory Observations
4.2 Visser's Classification Examined
4.3 An Alternative Classification
4.4 Case Grammar and Object-Controlled Infinitival Equi

5. Flattering into and Dissuading from: Prepositional Object-Controlled Equi
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Data and Their Analysis
5.3 Case Grammar and Prepositional Object-Controlled Equi

6. Verbs Governing Prepositional Phrases and Infinitival Complement Clauses
6.1 Introductory Observations
6.2 Visser's List and a Classification
6.3 Case Grammar and the Prepositional Equi Pattern

7. Concluding Observations



This book offers a new and compendious account of important verbal patterns in present-day English. Serving as a central source of data, it updates and refines earlier research contributing to the syntactic and semantic description of English. Rudanko establishes an original framework, and systematically analyzes patterns of complementation using the tool of case grammar. The examination of Control, or EQUI, is a common theme and an important problem for transformationalists, and English syntacticians will value Rudanko's work on infinitive complements.

Juhani Rudanko is Associate Professor of English Philology at the University of Tampere, Finland.


"It is thorough, filled with observations, and written with care." — Robert Fiengo, Queens College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York

"It gives a very complete coverage of the class of verbs which are being considered, rather than just a few selected examples. Careful attention is given to previous scholarship on this topic. The semantic classification of the verbs in terms of desideration, intention, and endeavor seems useful and insightful. There are some interesting new insights, including the classification of verbs into the semantic categories of desideration, intention, and endeavor, and the relationship of this classification to the strength of the agentivity requirement on the complement subject." — Mary Clark, University of New Hampshire