
Showing 751-754 of 754 titles.
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Old English Homily and Its Background

Essays on the largest body of prose work in Old English, by Stafford, Gatch, Smetana, Goddin, HuppéLetson, Nichols, Tandy, Jurovics, Dalbey, Szarmach.

Lord of the Panther Skin

By Shota Rustaveli
Translated by R. H. Stevenson
Subjects: Literature

This classic medieval romance of chivalry by an outstanding figure in a brilliant period of Georgian literature has affinities with both the Persian tradition and that of the West.

Meaning in Comedy

By John S. Weld
Subjects: Literature

The festive Elizabethan comedies constitute a unique and dazzling drama, yet they have seldom been studied as a genre, and, except for Shakespeare's plays, they are seldom interpreted. Although successive ...