
Showing 101-125 of 754 titles.
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Engaging Italy

By Etta M. Madden
Subjects: Literature

Traces literary and social connections among three American women navigating the changing political landscape of 1860s and '70s Italy.

Tales from Du Bois

Offers a new framework for understanding Du Bois's poetics and politics, including the concept of double consciousness, by tracing the trope of the cross-caste romance across his fiction.

Dimensions of Aesthetic Encounters

A novel fusing of multiple approaches and range of examples exploring the dimensions, objects, and import of aesthetic encounters.

Holocaust Consciousness and Cold War Violence in Latin America

Examines how community leaders, writers, and political activists facing state repression in Latin America have drawn on and debated the validity of Holocaust terms to describe human rights atrocities in their own countries.

Barcelona, City of Comics

Explores the close relationship between comics and urbanism in one of Europe's most notable global cities.

The Haunted History of Pelham, New York

A fascinating fusion of New York history and local folklore sure to send shivers up your spine!

Contemporary Italian Women Philosophers

A unique portrayal of the theoretical positions of eleven Italian women thinkers who share the practice of philosophy and extend philosophical work and interests beyond the realm of the discipline strictly defined.

Shadows in the City of Light

Examines the place of Paris in French Jewish literary memory, a memory that, of necessity, grapples with the aftermath of the Holocaust.

Avant-Gardes in Crisis

Charts underexamined genealogies of minoritarian aesthetic responses to the multiple crises of the long 1970s.

Toward an African Future—Of the Limit of World

Examines the thought of W. E. B. Du Bois, with attention to its potential for reorienting present-day critical theory and political philosophy.

Empire News

Examines English-language Indian newspapers from the mid-nineteenth century and their role in simultaneously sustaining and probing British colonial governance.

Translating Buddhism

Explores key questions about translations and translators of South Asian Buddhist texts, past and present.

The Anonymity of a Commentator

A close study of one of the most prolific commentary writers in Islamic history.

Flesh of My Flesh

Examines representations of sexual violence in modern Hebrew literature, focusing on the ways in which sexual aggression relates to Zionism, gender, ethnicity, and disability.

Seeing with Free Eyes

Examines the ideas of justice in Euripidean tragedy, which reveals the human experience of justice to be paradoxical, and reminds us of the need for humility in our unceasing quest for a just world.

More Than Our Pain

Covering rage and grief, as well as joy and fatigue, examines how Black Lives Matter activists, and the artists inspired by them, have mobilized for social justice.

Many Mahābhāratas

A major contribution to the study of South Asian literature, offering a landmark view of Mahābhārata studies.

Material Insurgency

Examines emerging new materialist and posthuman conceptions of subjectivity and agency, and explores their increasing significance for contemporary climate change environmentalism.

Fracture Feminism

Shows how feminist writing in British Romanticism developed alternatives to linear time.

Reading, Wanting, and Broken Economics

Uses a historical study of bookselling and readers as a way to question and rethink our understanding of the market for symbolic goods.

Sensitive Negotiations

Examines how Indigenous figures used British Romantic poetry in their interactions with settler governments and publics.

Curtains of Light

Provides a new way of thinking about film's relation to theatre.

Luchino Visconti and the Alchemy of Adaptation

Examines the place of book-to-film adaptations by one of Italy's most famous postwar film directors.


Explores Elie Wiesel’s portraits of the sages of Judaism and elaborates on the Hasidic legacy from his life and his teaching.

Poetics of Breathing

A comparative study of breath and breathing as a core poetic and compositional principle in modern literature.