Powers of Imagining

Ignatius de Loyola: A Philosophical Hermeneutic of Imagining through the Collected Works of Ignatius de Loyola

By Antonio T. de Nicolas

Subjects: Philosophy
Paperback : 9780887061103, 416 pages, June 1986
Hardcover : 9780887061097, 416 pages, June 1986

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Table of contents



Introduction: The Neural Connection

Biographical Data


Part I The Text of Imagining

1. The Native, General Background of Ignatius de Loyola

2. Imagining: Primary Text, Primary Technology

3. A Text for Reading, A Text for Deciding

4. Imagining and the Public Domain

5. Consequences of Hermeneutics

Part II A Plurality of Texts in Translation

Spiritual Exercises


Translator's Note


Spiritual Diary


Translator's Note to the Spiritual Diary
Translator's Note for Elections on Income or Poverty
Election on Income or Poverty




Translator's Note
Preface of Father Nadal
Preface of Father Luis G. da Camara




Translator's Note to Letter on Obedience
Letter on Obedience



Bibliography on Hermeneutics

Bibliography on Ignatius


Presents new translations of works by Loyola.


This book presents a new translation of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius de Loyola, of his Spiritual Diary, of his Autobiography, and some of his letters. These translations are introduced by a hermeneutical commentary laying out the theory and practices of the decision-making power of imagining.

Ignatius proposed in his Spiritual Exercises a form of decision-oriented mysticism, and through their use, gathered around him a group of associates who became the first members of the Jesuit Order. Under the control of later, doctrinally oriented theologians, the practical, decision-oriented mystical character of the original Exercises was gradually replaced by a more theoretical and devotional character.

Antonio T. de Nicolas recovers in his translations and through his critical apparatus the original decision-oriented thrust of Ignatius.

Antonio T. de Nicolas is the author of Avatara: The Humanization of Philosophy Through the Bhagavad Gita; Meditations through the Ṛg Veda: The Four Dimensional Man; and Platero and I, Juan Ramon Jimenez (translation). Dr. de Nicolas is Professor of Philosophy at State University of New York at Stony Brook.


"What is recovered by Professor de Nicolas in his work is the radical flavor of the original sense of the Spiritual Exercises … There is a lifetime of experience with the Spiritual Exercises behind this witty, poetic, and brilliant work. " — from the Foreword by Patrick A. Heelan, S. J.