Film Production Theory

By Jean-Pierre Geuens

Subjects: Film Studies
Series: SUNY series, Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video
Paperback : 9780791445266, 322 pages, March 2000
Hardcover : 9780791445259, 322 pages, March 2000

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Table of contents


Chapter One
Cinema: The State of the Art

Chapter Two

Chapter Three
The Film School

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven
The Frame

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten



Integrates contemporary film theory into the teaching of film production, presenting alternatives to the standard Hollywood model of filmmaking.


Most serious film books during the last twenty years have focused on theoretical issues, film history, or film analyses, leaving production to the side. This text, however, appropriate for film production courses, fills that void, opening the production process to pertinent, argumentative notions and incorporating material from Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Derrida, among others. Although Geuens covers screenwriting, lighting, staging, and framing, among other production issues, he avoids the strictly vocational or "professional" approach to film teaching currently applied to most production courses.

Geuens reevaluates what cinema could be, to revive its full powers and attend to the mystery of the creative process. To counter Hollywood's normative machinery, he suggests taking back from the professionals important notions they have arrogated for themselves but rarely act upon: artistry, passion, and engagement.

Jean-Pierre Geuens teaches film in Los Angeles.


"This is a sharply observed, altogether brilliantly written study. I like the originality, the daring, and the sweep of Geuens' argument. As a theorist on the subject of film production, Geuens ranks with such critical thinkers as Baudrillard and Metz in his astute analysis of the field. " — Gwendolyn Foster, author of Captive Bodies: Postcolonial Subjectivity in Cinema

"Not only is the study of film production significant, but Geuens' study, Film Production Theory, is very significant, specifically as a kind of mentoring text for aspiring directors, actors, producers, and technicians. After reading this book, I feel like going out to a non-soundstage location and shooting my own film!" — Paul Matthew St. Pierre, Simon Fraser University