
Adventures in Ac-Ac-ademe

By Fedwa Malti-Douglas

Subjects: Feminist
Series: SUNY series, The Margins of Literature
Paperback : 9780791436042, 186 pages, January 1999
Hardcover : 9780791436035, 186 pages, December 1997

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Table of contents


by Fedwa Malti-Douglas

Ac-Ac by M/M



In Which M/M Lands on Her Feet

In Which M/M Arrives at Ac-Ac U.

In Which M/M Gets Her Bearings

In Which M/M Wonders: Why Be a Visiting Professor at Ac-Ac U. When She Could Be at Pholly U. ?

In Which M/M Gets a Lecture on Academic Hierarchies

In Which M/M Has a Second Landing at Ac-Ac: A Home Department

In Which M/M Describes Her Third Landing of Sorts

In Which M/M Gets Her First Introduction to DULL

In Which M/M Attends the Open Faculty Meeting

In Which M/M Participates in the Induction into the Order of the Cravates

In Which M/M Feels Over-Received

In Which M/M Decides Which Course to Audit

In Which M/M Goes through the Faculty List at DULL in Search of Someone

In Which M/M Has a Heart to Heart Talk with Herself about Her Future at Ac-Ac U.

In Which M/M Meets the Dean

In Which M/M Takes Steps to Set Up the Legendary Meeting with the Women Faculty at Ac-Ac U.

In Which M/M Attends Her First DULL Faculty Meeting

In Which M/M Introduces S. P. -T. Directly to the Intellectual Life of DULL

In Which M/M Finally Meets the Women Faculty of Ac-Ac U.

In Which M/M Is Treated to Some Great Stories

In Which M/M Becomes a Member of COOC

In Which M/M Gets Introduced to the COOC

In Which M/M Listens to Some Tie History

In Which M/M Tells the COOCs the Significance of Ties

In Which M/M Debates with the COOCs

In Which M/M Debates Again with the COOCs

In Which M/M Reads the DULL Newsletter

In Which M/M Has Second Thoughts about Her Visiting Appointment

In Which M/M Attends the Muted Language Society Award Ceremony

In Which M/M Meets the Women Faculty Once Again

In Which M/M Has a Nightmarish Experience

In Which M/M Is Back in the Guest House

In Which M/M Muses about Her Social Life as a Woman at Ac-Ac U.

In Which M/M Finally Attends the Promotion Committee Meeting

In Which M/M Attends the Chairs' Meeting

In Which M/M Makes an Important Decision

In Which M/M Has Her Dream Come True

in Which M/M Attends an Oral Examination in LAC

In Which M/M Learns about Ac-Ac U. 's Provost

In Which M/M Delivers Her Final Blow

In Which M/M Presents Her Theory about Ac-Ac

In Which M/M Announces Her Departure

In Which M/M Considers Future Possibilities

In Which M/M Is Not Given an Opportunity to Make a Promise

In Which M/M Hands the Manuscript to S. P. -T.


by Fedwa Malti-Douglas


The Guide(s)

The Body



The Name




An entertainingly satirical vision of today's academy, in which a woman academic lands, with her cat, in a university, largely populated by males.


Hisland takes place in a fictional universe--the Islands of Ac-Ac, whose pride and joy is the educational institution of Ac-Ac U. Into this traditionally male world fall the narrator and her feline companion. Their attempted integration into this dystopian world leads the reader on a self-conscious and role-questioning journey.

Fedwa Malti-Douglas is The Martha C. Kraft Professor of Humanities at Indiana University. She is the author of several books, including Structures of Avarice: The Bukhala' in Medieval Arabic Literature; Blindness and Autobiography: al-Ayyam of Taha Husayn; Woman's Body, Woman's Word: Gender and Discourse in Arabo-Islamic Writing; and Men, Women, and God(s): Nawal El Saadawi and Arab Feminist Poetics; and co-author (with A. Douglas) of Arab Comic Strips: Politics of an Emerging Mass Culture.


"This comic romp through some fanciful but not entirely unfamiliar groves of academe manages to touch on aspects of academic life ranging from the rhetoric of course descriptions to the hypocrisies of promotion--all perceived from the point of view of a female interloper on hallowed male territory. Members of the large real-life category of female interlopers will take special delight in this wicked yet good-humored satire, but everyone who has ever set foot in an academic institution can enjoy and chuckle at the expertly crafted adventures of M/M and her wise, companionable cat. " -- Patricia Meyer Spacks, author of Boredom: The Literary History of a State of Mind

"Malti-Douglas creates a counter-utopia constructed as a comic-strip through which one can successfully reach the seeming absurdity of any of our institutions or, for that matter, of any human occupation, if one agrees to play her game with a parodic and magnifying counter-mirror. She does it with intelligence, a broad smile, and a lot of fun. " -- Etel Adnan, author of The Indian Never Had a Horse & Other Poems

"I could not stop laughing! Hisland brilliantly and hilariously uncovers the essence of the American university scene. It is a beautiful combination of wit and satire. " -- Nawal El Saadawi, author of Woman at Point Zero
br>"Hisland is imaginative, intriguing, and a very fine read. I read it with enthusiasm and more than a few laughs. The author weaves together several stories simultaneously, and the subtlety of the feminist politics and criticism is extremely well done. " -- Zillah Eisenstein, author of The Color of Gender: Reimaging Democracy