Critical and Dialectical Phenomenology

Edited by Donn Welton & Hugh J. Silverman

Subjects: Phenomenology
Series: SUNY series, Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
Paperback : 9780887064753, 300 pages, September 1987
Hardcover : 9780887064746, 300 pages, September 1987

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Table of contents


Donn Welton

I. For a Transcendental Semiotics

1. Linguistic Meaning and Intentionality
Karl-Otto Apel

II. Hermeneutic and Critical Theory

2. Hermeneutics and Critical Theory to Communicative Action and Post-Structuralism
David M. Rasmussen

3. Hermeneutics and Critical Theory
George Schrader

4. Enlightenment as Political
Dick Howard

III. Phenomenology and Dialectics
5. Phenomenology and the Problem of Action
Jacques Taminiaux

6. Hegel and Husserl: Transcendental Phenomenology and the Revolution Yet Awaited
Merold Westphal

7. From Immediacy to Meditation: The Emergence of Dialectical Phenomenology
James L. Marsh

IV. Knowledge and Critique

8. Heidegger and Peirce: Toward New Epistemic Foundations
Patrick L. Bourgeois and Sandra B. Rosenthal

9. Shifting Paradigms: Satre on Critique, Language and the Role of the Intellectual
Thomas Busch

10. Merleau-Ponty and the Problem of Knowledge
Henry Pietersma

V. Hermeneutics of Persons and Places

11. Place: A Certain Absence
Joseph C. Flay

12. I and Mine
Bernard P. Dauenhauer

13. Individuation, Mimetic Engulfment and Self-Ceception
Bruce Wilshire

VI. Critique of Cognitive Psychology

14. Information Processing and the Phenomenology of Thinking
Christopher A. Aanstoos
15. Merleau-Ponty and the Cognitive Psychology of Perception
Frederick J. Wertz

16. The Structure of Consciousness of the Child: Merleau-Ponty and Piaget
Richard Rojcewicz

Index of Proper Names

Critical and Dialectical Phenomenology shows how continental philosophy is currently practiced in the United States.


This book draws together some of the most important recent work in the areas of semiotics, critical theory, epistemology, and psychology. It contains a new essay by Karl-Otto Apel on the possibility of transcendental semiotics, as well as essays on the relationship between hermeneutics and critical theory, the nature of dialectical phenomenology, analyses of epistemic foundations, the hermeneutics of people and places, and there is a critique of contemporary cognitive psychology.

Donn Welton is with the Department of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Hugh J. Silverman is with the Department of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.