Sociology of Knowledge

Showing 1-7 of 7 titles.
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Epistemic Responsibility

By Lorraine Code
Subjects: Philosophy

Develops a new kind of epistemological position that highlights virtue over more standard epistemological theories.

Manufactured Uncertainty

By Lorraine Code
Subjects: Philosophy

Wide-ranging critique of the epistemological and ethical assumptions that underlie contemporary debates concerning climate change.

Leo Strauss, Philosopher

European scholars discuss Leo Strauss as a major figure in the history of philosophy.

The Promise of Poststructuralist Sociology

A postmodern critique of sociology’s presuppositions.

Energy Possibilities

Examines the current and prospective energy sources and choices from the perspectives of science, technology, and social studies.

In Measure, Number, and Weight

Jens Hoyrup, recognized as the leading authority in social studies of pre-modern mathematics, here provides a social study of the changing mode of mathematical thought through history. His "anthropology" ...

Knowledge Without Expertise

This book critically examines the reliance of society on experts, specifically attacking the notion of the privilege of scientific expertise and defining the politics of this intellectual discourse. The ...