Business and Economics

Showing 51-75 of 157 titles.
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Community, Culture, and Economic Development, Second Edition

Newly updated comparative study of economic development policy, and its relationship with local power structures and cultural and social relations, in two Maryland towns.

Mr. New York

The life and times of an instrumental figure in New York City’s recovery from the fiscal and social crises of the 1970s and 1980s, and in the general revitalization of the city over two generations.

Integral Leadership

A groundbreaking book that brings the insights of Integral Theory to business and organizational development.

Interstate Economic Relations

A comprehensive look at the economic relations among states, and how they might be better optimized.

California Dreaming

Multidisciplinary study of the citrus industry in Palestine before World War II.

China's America

A fascinating look at Chinese perceptions of the United States and the cultural and political background that informs them.

Regulating the Business of Insurance in a Federal System

Analysis on a dual insurance regulation system and its effectiveness relevant to the current system of regulation.

Comparative Public Budgeting

Holistic, comparative analysis of multiple budget systems and contexts.

The Challenges of Global Business Authority

An astute assessment of democratic principles and decision-making structures in the global business world.

Globalizing Justice

Essays assessing the impact of globalization on law and court systems across the world.

Proving Up

Uses the interdisciplinary approach of evolutionary economics to explore the history of land domestication in the United States.

Mission Expansion in the Federal Home Loan Bank System

Studies the Federal Home Loan Bank System, how it has changed over time and why

Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline, Second Edition

New edition of Aihwa Ong’s classic ethnographic study of Malay women factory workers.

Policing Narratives and the State of Terror

Examines the recent “War on Terror” and the increasing privatization of international policing through the lens of detective fiction and security and espionage narratives.

America's Economic Moralists

By Donald E. Frey
Subjects: History

Traces the history of two rival American economic moralities from colonial times to the present.

Foreign Workers in Israel

Explores how the entry of migrant workers into Israel raises questions beyond just those of the labor market.

Environmental Integration

A new and original way of looking at the challenge presented by environmental issues.

When the Pot Boils

By David A. Paul
Subjects: Education

Tells the story of the decline and near bankruptcy of a major American university, and how its dramatic turnaround was quickly achieved.

Always at Odds?

By Mary C. Wright
Subjects: Education

How faculty and administrators at research universities can create a shared sense of values.

The Little School System That Could

Examines, from four organizational perspectives, Virginia’s Manassas Park City School’s ten-year turnaround.

Comparing Apples and Mangoes

Uncovers important similarities in the political features of developing countries in Africa, Asia,and Latin America.

Global Liberalism and Political Order

Examines the possibilities of global governance in the wake of the challenges of globalization.

Governmental Transparency in the Path of Administrative Reform

How federal management reforms have impacted the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act.

Deep History

Blends insights from several disciplines to offer a general theory of social evolution.